Project team

Here you can see how our consortium is composed to bring together the variety of skills and expertise needed to meet the project objectives.

There are thirteen organizations building the core Tethys team:       

  • TU Wien has a cutting-edge laboratory for HS chemical analysis with focus on pharmaceuticals and industrial organic chemicals such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. It has solid expertise in all project’s topics and leads the consortium.

·       Environment Agency Austria (UBA) has broad expertise in HS-emission modelling, both for Austria and for the transnational Inn River Basin.

·       Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) possesses solid expertise in monitoring and emission modelling.

·       Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI) from Slovenia has top expertise in monitoring, chemical analysis, and environmental behaviour of potentially toxic elements. 

·       Bulgarian Water Association (BWA) is a key non-profit organization in the field of water resources management and water quality in Bulgaria. 

·       Jaroslav Černi Water Institute is the leading consulting and research organization in Serbia’s water sector.

·       National Administration „Romanian Waters” (NARW), Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute State Service on Emergencies and National Academy of Science (UHMI), Croatian Waters (HV) and Public Institution “Vode Srpske” (JUVS) are the national authorities and sectoral agencies responsible for water quality policies in their national territories. They possess the legal and technical competences and the adequate human resources to develop, test, and implement solutions and strategies planned as outputs of the project. 

·       Water Research Institute (WRI) from Slovakia and Center for Ecotoxicological Research Podgorica (CETI) from Montenegro are also technical agencies responsible for water quality assessment in their countries and moreover they will participate with a focus on the chemical analyses of emerging contaminants provided by their laboratories.

·       The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) is the international organization responsible for coordinating transboundary ·cooperation on fundamental water management issues and for supporting Danube countries to take all appropriate legal, administrative and technical measures to maintain and improve the quality of the Danube River and its environment. 

More information on individual organisations can be found here.


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